viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013


I think it was the other day meanwhile a conference with some parents and trainers I said I didn't know an other activity or situation that singnifies and give us such great oportunitty to grow in values and contribute in the growth of our children than sport activity.

 I make this article from my experience as a sportman. I practice sport since I was a child. My mother always says I couldn't be stopped, I always need my body moving, making different things, never sitted on the floor, always moving. From the footbal, then in basketball, always running in short and long distances (I remember with speciall feeling my first half marathon with eleven or twelve years in Matadepera with the Half Marathon Epic Casino del Coomerç I think in 1h50'. It still remind me the karhu shirt white and pink the organization gave us. I had it with me for a few years, also the green and white of the next year)also as a referee in basketball as a teenager and then at university whith mountain bike and road bike.

 But my increase becames when I decided to start in the world of triathlon. Probably because I wasn't so good in any sport and I moved well in many of them I decided to prove in a sprint triathlon in Gavà. Some meters in beach water, twenty kilometers with road bike and five running. It was an amazing experience, the best feelling I never expected before. The feel I dreamed. It opened me the door of the triathlon world and the multidiscipline sports with crossing sessions. Meters in pool, climbing roads with bike, crosscountry with mountain bike, trail running, marathons, open water, then I understood many things ... my life changed in sports with 33 or 34 years when I became an ironman. It was in Calella, in the coast of Catalonia, before many others olimpic and sprint triathlons. Near four kilometers in open water, one hundred and eighty with bike and the final marathon along the promenade. I wrote a lot of my feelings the days before, the meanwhile that sunday and the days after.

One year later I became finisher in Nice a very nice place in Cote d' Azur, down of eleven hours in the race I think it was my best actuation and contribution I've ever done before. Also I feel very proud of my contact with mountains and ultra trails in the scene of Pyrenees and Cadi mountains with the Race between the refugees with the Cavalls del Vent trail running race.

 But sport is not a particular or single way of leaving. The group compound is very important. I'm sure I hadn't reached so many things if I hadn't so many good people with me.Trainning with them. Meeting friends, living new experiences. And in sports I've been always with many good people. I always have a very good remind of all of them. Probably with some ot them I can't not find all the times I prefered, but they know I feel very near from them. The list will be very long and I prefer don't be exhaustive with it for not lose one name.

 After this introduction and this short resume of my awakenings, now when I'm 38 years old with two very nice daughters, about seven and nine years, a very patient and maravellous wife always closed to me, banking employee after my law carreer in the university and with a master in business administration an an other in business law, now when I'm at home trying to solve this headacke and this pain in my neck and after watching this history and this experiences, I feel I have the obligation of transmit this knowledge that has increased with all these years. Now I need to share with the people aorund me, my friends, other new friends and my daughters in particular. I want they grow with the values I grewed: the order, the discipline, the courage, the pacience, the solidarity, the perseverance, the effort, the goal, the empathy, the smile, the happiness ...

 So practicing sports is a very good way to make our children better. Better in many ways, as a child, as a partner, as a brother or sister, as your son. Playing with them we can make better things and we can correct many attitudes, manners, behaviours ...It's our obligation offer them the best things we try. Education is also motivation and giving instruments to improve their lives, to be against, to face different situations. But sport is not only for children. Is very important for the rest of us. A very important brand in the world of sports tells us anima sana in corpore sano. Latin classics assured a good way of felling good was keeping our body healthy. So moving activities are necessary for children, young and old people. Is very important four our every day in order to grow with important values, and for balance our way of life. If we fell good with us, if we feel light we become stronger, we work hard, we are more concentrate in what we do. If we lose this three or four kilograms that always are annoying us we feel more selfconfident for afront every situation and perhaps someone can whistle while we are walking through le Champs Elysees.

 We need sport activity and we need it every day. As feed. If we need five times to feed every day, if we need eight hours for rest and sleep, we need to look for thirty minutes of sport activity. It doesn't matter wich kind of sport and in wich hour, it doesn't matter in early morning or at night, but we've to find thirty minutes for us, for our body, for our physical and psichologycal health, because when we are running, for example, we balanced our day, we feel good, we enjoy with ourselves and we feel better when we finish and we have a very hot bath. We watch us in the mirror with the towell round the waist and we feel more powerfull. More often I think more in the end of the activity than in the main activity. Sometimes we don't feel open minded to start a training session, but in this case you need to think in the end of it and probably the quimichal substnaces of your body will make their function an you'll feel more realized. The endorfines move if you move (someone told me they moved playing sport, smiling and practicing sex, in this case I never made an analythic, but I think so).

 The same pation I feel for sport I feel for Nature. Our forest, our mountains, our trees, the rivers ... One day I knew a person who transmit this way of life very near from the Nature. He explain his feelings in many occassions he felt alone with himself in long nights in the mountians, respecting them. His point of view cautivate me. I don't know an other place you feel so free, so alone and in the same way sow crowded. We feel very tired of living in big cities with many movement and so much noise. Our days are so hard. The life here become fast, so rapid, extremedly vertiginous. The life in the forrest has its time, its movement, its behaviour. Nothing alterate the natural movement, the natural speed. All flows patiened. So when we move between this calm, we mixed in this natural season. We can not move this peace. We need to rennonunce to our rythm and adaptate our speed to the mountain. Crossing the river, or climbing the rocks or jumping the shrubs and trees someone feel good, fell authentic, so that's the reason I like running, but not running along lighted and long avenues, I prefer dark and track ways in the forest.

 I leave this article for today. Near of finishing this season and starting the new one. While my daughters are trainning every week with their dad blowing the whistle in the court of hockey or riding the bike when their mum have a padel match. Near a mountain race with some friends the next weekend or waiting for a mountain marathon in Montseny in november, expecting for a very nice season full of new beatiful experiences. Feel good, feel yourself, be honest, practice health and enjoy. A world of new experiences are waiting for you. Find them. I'll be closed to you. See you soon.

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013


80kms y 3000md+ eran su tarjeta de presentación. Si le añadimos sol radiante, buena temperatura, bosque mojado, Montseny en estado puro y un grupo de siete amigos, coincidiríamos al afirmar que la jornada ha sido perfecta.
Btt, senderos y pistas, perfil exigente ruta circular por un immenso parque natural a una hora escasa de aquí, nos ha tenido entretenidos mientras aparecían en ocasiones los dolores que aún seguía arrastrando tras la ultra trail de hace dos domingos.
Nos poníamos en marcha a las 6:15 para llegar a Seva y empezar a las 8. Temperatura fresca a primera hora, algo de niebla propia de la zona y pronto nos metíamos en faena subiendo cuestas por entretenidas pistas irregulares donde ir tirando de técnica y equilibrios mientras el grupo se iba alargando. El primero de los objetivos era coronar en Collformic después de exprimirnos en tramos de piedras donde ir practicando el trial. Hemos coincidido en un primer cuarteto Saperas, Josep, Albert y yo. Un poco más atrás Keika, Quintana y Jan. Cerca del Matagalls que en otras ocasiones visité, ha ido amaneciendo el día y con el sol de cara, nos ha ido mostrando unos magníficos prados de fresca y humeda hierba por donde ir deslizando la bici era una auténtica delícia.
Con los primeros desniveles han ido apareciendo los primeros esfuerzos e igualmente algunos primeros problemas. Muy consciente de adaptar el ritmo a mi umbral los fantasmas de rodilla que hicieron acto de presencia a partir del 70 en UCV ha vuelto a asomarse. Seguramente subiré un poco el sillín y veré chequearé resultados. Sea como fuera iban pasando los kilómetros y ya por la zona del Pla de la Calma hemos iniciado un largo y duro descenso donde ir concentrado y fuertememente agarrado al manillar era de vital importancia. Muchísimas averías debido a lo abrupto de la pista con picúas piedras que martirizaban todo tipo de neumáticos sobretodo 29's sin tubelizar. Llegados a la riera, tocaría empezar a subir nuevamente con la mirada puesta en St Marçal, zona de control de paso. Subida larga y a ritmo que ha podido superarse no sin esfuerzo. Lo mejor de todo el reagrupamiento de las 7 Qk's una vez pasado el corte y repuestas las fuerzas. Pasado así el meridiano de la prueba, y superada la subida más larga, hemos iniciado un nuevo trayecto esta vez en busca de Viladrau. Ya entre bosques de frondosos castáños y magníficas y tupidas alfombras de hojas hemos ido manteniendo cota por unos caminos en los que por momentos se hacía de noche. Montseny en su versión más auténtica. Rearupados nuevamente, la organización nos tenía preparado un descenso divertidísimo a modo de bmx hasta llegar a Viladrau. Lo que en ese momento parecía divertidísimo pronto se transformaría en unas cuestas que no han dejado indiferente a nadie. Despreciadas en el perfil, se han mostrado de lo más exigente de cara a air ganando cota para irnos acercando de nuevo al punto de inicio en Seva. Qué duras se hacen las subidas finales. Con las fuerzxas más bien justas y las secuelas de UCV, ha tocado tirar de fondo de armario para superar las dificultades. Esta última parte ha sido sin duda de las mejores. Todo y estar a poca altura, los senderos por los que discurría el circuito han sido sin duda espectaculares. Lástima de un kilómetro vertical que hemos tenido que hacer de forma gratuita al no advertir una curva de izquierdas por donde seguía el perfil. Unos 25 ciclistas nos hemos colado en ese punto y la verdad es que a esas alturas desniveles regalados no son del agrado de nadie. Al menos así se han obtenido los tres mil positivos y los 80 de distancia. Ya para acabar, brutal bajada por camino de rocas para finalizar en una última subida para llegar al pueblo de Crivillé, donde abrazarse a los compañeros de viaje, refrescarse con un poco de agua y degustar una fideuá con ensaladilla bañada con cava que no nos ha dejado indiferentes. Café para acabar y sonrisa de oreja a oreja satisfecho por las 6 horas de bici por uno de los parajes más bellos del territori català. Emplazados ya para mi próxima visita a la zona, esta vez a pie en el mes de noviembre una vez bajen las temperaturas, nos queda batirnos en la carrera de montañá de Rellinars y seguir bien atento a la recuperación de articulaciones y tendones. a nivel muscular Jim ya me puso las fibras en su sitio, pero habrá que seguir piano piano viendo la evolución. De momento esta noche ya tenemos las baterías cargadas para la vuelta habitual con las Qk's. Seguimos en modo ON. Para la próxima entrada debate Transpyr/Transalpine. Dos de mis mayores sueños. De momento adelanto que para 2014 gana la Alpina a la Pirenaica.